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Stay up to date on our current and past events.

SIPR is pleased to provide support for Knowledge Exchange (KE) activities within the SIPR Consortium of Universities.  If you are organising an event and would welcome support for advertising it to the membership of SIPR (both in Scotland and wider as appropriate) please contact the SIPR Business and Knowledge Exchange Manager, Monica Boyle (

SIPR also has limited funds available for supporting KE events that can be co-badged.  Please contact either Prof Liz Aston ( or Monica Craig to discuss this.

Upcoming Events

December 13, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Norway - Mandatory Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence (Manreport-IPV)

November 29, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Finland - The Cost Disease Theory – Shedding Light on a Dark-Blue Undercurrent of Law Enforcement

November 15, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Republic of Ireland - Human Rights, Policing and Mental Health: Implementing a National Community Safety Co-Response Model in Ireland

October 25, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Northern Ireland

October 11, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Sweden - Shedding a Light on Blue: Understand Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment in Swedish Police Work

September 27, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Safe & Together: What can we learn about seeking to introduce whole family approaches to address domestic abuse?

September 27, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Scotland - The impact of COVID-19 on partnerships between police and gender-based violence service providers in rural Scotland

September 26, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Towards participatory measures: reflections on co-developing outcome measures with women and children with experience of domestic abuse

September 26, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Introducing a Participation Toolkit: sharing the learning about children, young people and women’s participation in domestic abuse research

September 25, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Examining the role of court advocacy within the criminal justice system's response to domestic abuse

September 25, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Interfaces of Police, Social Care, and Education when supporting children and families affected by domestic abuse

September 24, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Space: A Youth Work Intervention for children and young people impacted by domestic abuse

September 23, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Exploring children’s recovery from domestic abuse through therapeutic group work

September 20, 2024

CAFADA Lunchtime Seminar - Innovation in Domestic Abuse Services: Findings from the four-year CAFADA study

September 13, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Iceland - Hindrances to Inclusive Work Environment: Gender-Based Harassment and Negative Attitudes towards Women in the Police

September 10, 2024

Policing, Public Health and Vulnerable People

Past Events

August 30, 2024

Northern Ireland: Intermediaries, Vulnerability, and the Criminal Justice System

June 14, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Economic Crime Investigation Survey in the Finnish police in 2023

June 5, 2024

Rhizomatic Harms of Algorithmic Policing

June 4, 2024

INTERACT Project Conference

May 24, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - Community Policing for Strengthening Social Capital in Local Communities - why and how?

May 3, 2024

Northern Police Research Webinar - The Politics and Practice of Drug Policing in Ireland: Reflections on the Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use

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