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For over 30 years Adrian’s work has focused on the health impacts of road transport, the understanding of the importance of health by transport planners, and the application of science in selecting which policies and practices most support health-enhancing travel behaviours. He authored the British Medical Association’s first Transport Policy report in 1997 and has drafted evidence summaries and reports on active travel and mobility for international and many national bodies e.g. WHO, Public Health England, Dept. Transport, and Scottish Government. This has included research and reports on urban speed management. Recent work includes assessments of the impacts of 20mph speed limits (for the Welsh Assembly Government).
Adrian has practitioner experience through 11 years p/t with Bristol City Council’s transport team where he developed their Safe Systems Road Safety Plan. In September 2018 he took up the position of Professor of Transport & Health at Edinburgh Napier University. Adrian is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Transport and Health and a Visiting Professor at the University of the West of England (UWE). He was awarded an honorary Doctorate by UWE in 2015 in recognition of his ‘multi-disciplinary approach and collaboration on transport and health’.
Road Traffic Policing, Intelligence-led Policing, urban speed limits, public health
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