Research Tools 2: The role of the analysts and use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Date of event: May 20, 2009

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Event Briefing

Following the initial event held in May 2008, this was the second meeting aimed at developing the agenda of how best the academic community can work with the police analyst community. In the first session, four of the Analysts spoke on their role, and this was followed by a demonstration by ESRI on their software, and further talks on the use of GIS for crime mapping. The day concluded with a discussion on the next steps forward, including how best academics and researchers can work together to make maximum use of the datasets available.

Session I: The roles of the Analysts

Session II: Geographical Information Systems

  • ESRI (UK) Demonstration of ArcView “Crime Analyst” CrimeAnalyst changes crime pattern analysis from being a way of viewing hotspots of previous criminal activity, into a way of delivering live intelligence that fits with the National Intelligence Model (NIM) framework.
  • Susan McVie & Ellie Bates (University of Edinburgh) Exploring the place and time dynamics of vandalism in Scotland using exploratory spatial data analysis.
    PowerPoint [2.5 Mb]
  • Alistair Geddes & Donald Houston (University of Dundee) Building GIS research capacity in crime and policing research in Scotland
    PowerPoint [294 Kb]
    Podcasts: Susan McVie; Ellie Bates [Start at 13 mins]; Geddes and Houston [Start at 42 mins] [50.7 Mb]
    (Please note there is a c. 2 minute gap in the recording between Susan McVie’s and Ellie Bates’ presentations)

A small Working Group has been established to develop a further programme of events.

The Analysts
The Analysts (L to R): Lavery, Garman, Sharp, Ardon

Speakers on GIS
Speakers (L to R): Houston, Bates, McVie, Geddes

Event Programme

Event Speaker & Guests

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