Child protection awareness

Date of event: July 29, 2010

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Event Briefing

In collaboration with the Scottish Police College we are very pleased to offer a very limited number of specially-priced places on this full-day seminar which examines child abuse inquiries and constructive practice.

These places are available for academics, policy makers, and others non-police employees. PLEASE NOTE: Police staff should book through their SPOC (see below).


The last decade has seen a growing awareness within society that child protection is “everybody’s job”, a concept that was reflected in the first audit and review of child protection practice within Scotland and that has underpinned a raft of policy developments since then.

Many organisations now provide basic child protection awareness for all practitioners working with children and families, but this training does not always reach those workers who have a more general role but who still work closely with the public. The day will aim to bridge that gap by presenting a clear focus on understanding that every individual shares society’s responsibility to protect our most vulnerable individuals.


The day will begin with introductions and an agreement of ground rules to ensure participants feel supported in exploring a topic that may become emotive. The session encourages participation from all delegates as they explore different perceptions about what is harmful to children and young people whilst considering their views and the views of others.

A presentation supported by examples from practice will address definitions and categories of abuse and key indicators. A range of activities will aid understanding of the factors that can lead to heightened vulnerability and help delegates to recognise their own responsibilities in responding to potential or suspected abuse.

The use of relevant scenarios will allow delegates to apply the knowledge they gain to situations that they may encounter in a work or personal setting. Important aspects of legislation, policy and interagency procedures will be delivered using power point presentations supported by handouts. The day will conclude by addressing any issues that may have arisen during the day.


All police officers and police staff who are in contact with members of the public during the course of their work.


By the end of the seminar delegates will be able to:

  • Recognise individual responsibility for the safety and welfare of children and young people in society
  • Understand what can make children and families vulnerable
  • Describe key indicators of child abuse
  • Act appropriately when in a situation requiring a response to a child at risk of abuse or harm
  • Identify how agencies work together to safeguard children and young people


Marjorie Keys was previously a senior nurse for child protection with NHS Borders where she helped to establish a co-located child protection unit with police, social work and education colleagues. Marjorie is a member of the Scottish Child Protection Nurse Advisors Forum and delivers training on the child protection course currently run at the Scottish Police College.

Ruth Mitchell has been involved in child protection education provision for some twenty years within Higher Education settings. She now leads on a level Nine online child protection module that is a component of the BSc in Policing.


In collaboration with the Scottish Police College we are very pleased to offer a very limited number of places on this full-day seminar at a special rate of £75 (the normal rate for CPD events charged by the College is £150). This offer is available to all non-police officers, including academics, policy makers and planners. Please note that police officers should apply for places directly via their own Force or partner agency Single Point of Contact (SPOC).

This will be a full-day course. Times will be advised with joining instructions. Lunch and refreshments will be included. On arrival at the College, delegates should make their way to the reception area of the Culzean Building.

For further details , please contact the Research and Knowledge Transfer Manager , Tim Heilbronn (

The Scottish Police College CPD Programme
Scottish Police College

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