- Session 1 Chair: Professor Nick Fyfe
- Professor Nick Fyfe, Director, SIPR Setting the context: a brief overview of Scottish and international evidence of crime and policing in rural environments
PowerPoint Presentation [2.2 Mb]
Podcast [17 minutes, 15.7 Mb] - DCC Andy Cowie, Northern Constabulary An overview of the specific issues and responses of Northern Constabulary in the current climate
PowerPoint Presentation [400 Kb]
Podcast [29 minutes, 26.4 Mb] - Professor Tara Fenwick & Dr Richard Dockrell, University of Stirling Understanding Police Knowledge and Practice in Rural Communities
PowerPoint Presentation [1.6 Mb]
Podcast [44 minutes, 40.7 Mb]
- Session 2 Chair: Professor Nick Fyfe
- Professor Tara Fenwick & Dr Richard Dockrell, University of Stirling Professionalism, Competence, Learning and Leadership
PowerPoint Presentation [495 Kb]
Podcast [26 minutes, 24.0 Mb] - Dr Simon Anderson, Scottish Centre for Social Research Rural crime and rural policing: looking backwards and looking forwards
Podcast [13 minutes, 11.9 Mb] - Concluding comments
Podcast [9 minutes, 8.5 Mb]
For further details, please contact the Research and Knowledge Transfer Manager, Tim Heilbronn (t.d.heilbronn@dundee.ac.uk)
Scottish Rural Policing, 28 November 2011
(l to r): Nick Fyfe, Andy Cowie, Tara Fenwick, Richard Dockrell, Simon Anderson