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Building on an event held last year in Washington DC, and with support from Scottish Government and jointly organised by SIPR and the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) at George Mason University (GMU) in the USA, this symposium brought together researchers and practitioners from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss key issues in contemporary policing.
Conference Organisers
Professor Nick Fyfe, Director, SIPR
Professor Cynthia Lum, Director, CEBCP, GMU
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Pre-Symposium visit to Stirling Castle. l to r. Steve Mastrofski, Nick Fyfe, Jeff Egge, Cynthia Lum, Jennifer Stucker, John Eck, Charlotte Gill, Claudia Gross-Shader, James Willis, Breanne Cave, Julie Grieco, Heather Vovak
Powerpoints and podcasts from this event, as available, are shown below.
Download the Programmme and Biographical Notes
DCC Neil Richardson QPM, OBE (Police Scotland); Nick Fyfe (SIPR) & Cynthia Lum (GMU : Welcome
Podcast [15 minutes, 5.2 Mb]
Plenary I Policing and crime prevention: exploring the relationships between deterrence, fairness and effectiveness
Chair: Cynthia Lum (GMU)
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Speakers, Plenary I and II. l to r. Susan McVie, Nick Fyfe, Peter Neyroud, Tara Fenwick, David Weisburd, Dan Nagin, Cynthia Lum
Plenary II Professionalism, Policing and Science
Chair: Nick Fyfe
(Picture by Julie Grieco) Pre-conference visit to Stirling Castle
Workshop A. Police-Community Partnerships
Chair: Peter Wilson QPM
Workshop B. Evidence translation and the challenge of embedding what works I
Chair: Sandra Nutley (St Andrews)
Workshop C. Police legitimacy I: procedural justice and ethics
Chair: Jeffrey Murer (St Andrews)
Workshop D. Evidence translation and the challenge of embedding ‘what works’ II
Chair: Gloria Laycock (UCL)
Workshop E. Police legitimacy II: organisational reform and training
Chair: Jeffrey Murer (St Andrews)
Workshop F. Interventions to prevent and control crime and disorder
Chair: David Weisburd (GMU)
(Picture by Tim Heilbronn) Round-table discussion in the Maxwell Room. Pre-conference visit to the Scottish Parliament
For further details, please contact the Business and Knowledge Transfer Manager, Tim Heilbronn (
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Presentation of the 2014 CEBCP Distinguished Achievement Award in Evidence-Based Crime Policy to Professor Nick Fyfe by David Weisburd and Cynthia Lum
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Tulliallan Castle
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Pre-conference visit to Lasswade Community Centre
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Edinburgh Castle
(Picture by Jeff Egge) Pre-conference visit to the Scottish Parliament
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