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SIPR/Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium
Monday 3rd December 2018
St Leonard’s Hall, Pollock Halls, Edinburgh University
BEST PRESENTATION: Kate Thomson (GCU) Understanding and responding to child sexual exploitation in Scotland
(Special mentions to: Maureen Taylor (GCU), Matthew Richardson (Dundee), Lisa Borchardt (UWS), Conor Wilson (UWS) and Helen McMorris (Abertay))
BEST POSTER: Richard Kjellgren (University of Stirling) Connecting the dots: using open-source intelligence to map vulnerabilities and exploitation within the off-street sex market
(Special mentions to: Larissa Engelmann (ENU) and Katie Gambier-Ross (Edinburgh))
Kate and Richard are pictured above with Supt. “Ram” Mohayuddin
The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Police Scotland Postgraduate Student Awards were introduced in 2015 to encourage those who had completed, or who were working towards, a masters or doctoral award in a topic that is related to policing, to present their research in a supportive environment.
The prize provides the winners with the opportunity to collaborate with SIPR and Police Scotland to consider how their research can be further developed and how it might inform policing practice in Scotland. This level of access to established researchers and police practitioners will afford the winners a unique opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge that informs policing and the potential for their research to have a direct impact on police practice in Scotland.
Participants will also be invited to have their work published on the SIPR blog which is disseminated to a large network of researchers and practitioners.
This symposium offers an excellent opportunity for students to have their work shared to a wide academic and professional audience with a view to making an impact on policing in Scotland, and is intended to be held as an annual event.
09.00 Registration, coffee/tea and viewing of Posters
Chair: Dr Maria Maclennan, Academic Research Lead, Partnerships and Collaboration, Police Scotland
09.30 Welcome and Introduction : Assoc. Professor Liz Aston (Director, SIPR) and Dr Denise Martin (SIPR Education & Leadership Network)
09.40 – 10.50 Student Platform Presentations – Missing, Exploited and Disadvantaged
10.50 Coffee / Tea and viewing of Posters
11.10 – 12.35 Student Platform Presentations – Police Organisation in Scotland and Scandinavia
12.35 Lunch and viewing of Posters
13.15 – 14.40 Student Platform Presentations – Evidence & Investigation: challenges and methods
14.40 – 15.30 Specialist Panel Discussion
Superintendent Ramzan Mohayuddin (Police Scotland); Professor Nick Crofts AM (Director, Law Enforcement and Public Health); Derek Penman (Learntech (Scotland) Ltd; Former Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Scotland); Associate Professor Liz Aston (Director, SIPR)
15.30 Tea / Coffee / viewing of Posters
15.50 Presentation of Prizes by Superintendent Ramzan Mohayuddin, Police Scotland
16.00 Close of Symposium
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