Evidence and Investigation

Projects | Thematic Networks

Effective investigation of crimes and incidents is central to all police organisations. An investigation will seek to find all available evidence and intelligence that enable its objectives to be met. Today’s investigator operates in an increasingly complex social and legal arena and is likely to lead a team of police and police staff with a wide range of skills and knowledge.

Science, technology, psychology, criminology and other areas of specialist knowledge continue to grow rapidly, presenting the investigator with new opportunities and risks. For example, the existence of national DNA databases with the potential for highly sophisticated intelligence use, has revolutionised how many investigations proceed and has identified the need for continued review of individual cases.

This network provides a focus for research in a range of specialist areas related to the role of the police in the recovery, interpretation and effective use of intelligence and evidence in the investigation of crime and major incidents. This includes the development and evaluation of policy and good practice in the strategic and tactical use of forensic sciences.

Network Steering Group

SIPR Associate Director, Evidence and Investigation Network Director:

Dr Penny Woolnough,
Reader in Forensic & Investigative Psychology,
Abertay University.

Dr Penny Haddrill,
Director, Centre for Forensic Science,
University of Strathclyde.

Academic Members:

Dr Penny Haddrill,
Director, Centre for Forensic Science,
University of Strathclyde.

Dr Susan Griffiths,
Lecturer, Psychology,
University of Aberdeen.

Dr George Weir,
Computer and Information Sciences,
University of Strathclyde.

Prof Lucina Hackman,
Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification,
University of Dundee.

Dr Lee Curley,
Lecturer, Applied Psychology,
Glasgow Caledonian University.

Dr Richard Jones,
Senior Lecturer in Criminology,
University of Edinburgh.

Dr Jennifer Murray,
Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research,
Edinburgh Napier University.

Dr Eva Rubinova
University of Aberdeen.

Dr Julie Gawrylowicz
Reader in Applied Cognitive Psychology
Abertay University

Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith,
Associate Professor,
University of Stirling.

Police Liaison:

Fiona Douglas,
Director, Forensic Services,
Scottish Police Authority.

DCS Gary Cunningham,
Police Scotland.

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