Call For Participants- Scoping Applications and Opportunities For Personal Effects Across Forensic Art Casework

Dr Maria Maclennan is a current student on the MSc Forensic Art and Facial Imaging programme at The University of Dundee. As part of her Master’s research, she conducting a small-scale study into the relevance of ‘secondary’ characteristics in forensic casework – specifically, personal effects such as jewellery.  

Dr Maclennan has developed a short online survey/questionnaire which seeks to establish the nature and frequency of exposure to personal effects amongst the international forensic community. The survey is specifically geared towards practitioners in Forensic Art, Facial Imaging, Craniofacial Reconstruction (etc.), but is open to anyone with a broader expertise in forensic science and law enforcement.

The primary aim of the research is to identify gaps in current training and/or learning provision towards the development of new resources. This could include photography guides, reference catalogues, or glossaries of terminology.

The questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating in the research, please click on the below or scan the QR code in the attached poster. The research is completely anonymous. 

If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to be added to an optional mailing list to remain informed about the progress of the project/future research, please do not hesitate to contact me on (NB: this will not affect your anonymity in respect of the survey above, should you choose to participate).

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