Congratulations to Kirsty Docherty (Queen Margaret University) and Brigid Russell (Brigid Russell Coaching) who have been selected as the successful applicants to undertake an evaluation of the Police Scotland and Local Government Collaborative Leadership Pilot.
The intention of the pilots is to offer a focussed learning experience on the theory and practice of Collective Leadership, including supported exploration of complex/wicked issues by participants. In the first phase, we are working with three different locality areas and we plan to draw together the participants from across all three locality areas for the final stage of the Programme.
Participation in the Programme provides the opportunity for learning in depth about the theories and practice of Collective Leadership, as well as a supported opportunity to deploy what has been learned in support of a real, complex work issue. The focus is on practical leadership of issues that are important to participants. The program will build a clear and strong emphasis on self-reflection throughout the programme, regularly inviting participants to reflect on their learning and how this is influencing their actions and tracking this over the duration of the Programme. This approach enables evaluation to be fully embedded in the Programme, and to relate directly to the changes that participants hope to see in their Collective Leadership practice.