Northern Police Research Webinar Series – Autumn 2023

SIPR is delighted to involved in the second series of these webinars delivered in collaboration with policing and academic partners in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. These sessions will take place until the end of the year and will cover a variety of fascinating subjects including Online Grooming, Policing in Ireland, Bodies in Water, and Conflict Management and Mental Health among Police Officers and Recruits. Please note that times are in both Central European Summer Time and British Summer Time. 

The first webinar is on 31st August at 11am BST / 12 Noon CEST and is titled Grasping the Complexity in Policing Traffic: A Methodological Explication! This will be presented by Dr Vesa Huotari. 

The division of academic work, i.e. the fact of disciplines, provides for the growth of knowledge, but, mostly, within each of them only. This state of affairs leaves a lot to wish for from the point of view of anyone pursuing improvement in the performance of the police. After outlining the problem, Dr Huotari shall discuss briefly how to approach the challenge and do my best in demonstrating it by carving out the dilemmas that undermine the effectiveness of policing traffic/roads. We should better understand the complexities in policing, not just declare it being such. The presentation is an introduction to theoretically motivated and practice oriented research on the police & policing.

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