SIPR Impact Awards 2023

SIPR are keen to formally recognise individuals, or teams, whose research has made a significant contribution to policing, policy, and or/ practice.

We invite you to nominate yourself, or your colleagues – individually or as a team – for SIPR’s Impact Awards!

There will be two prizes:

  • SIPR Impact Award (£500)
  • SIPR Early Career Researcher Impact Award (£500)

Nominations are due by 10th November 2023 at 5pm.

Prizes will be presented at SIPR’s Scottish International Policing Conference, which is taking place Wednesday 29th November 2023, in Edinburgh.

Select nominations will also be featured in the SIPR Annual Report for 2023/24.

How to nominate/ apply


Nomination forms can be downloaded through the link below, and should be submitted to Monica Craig ( by 10th November 2023 at 5pm.

Nominations are invited in relation to significant contributions of research to policing, policy, and practice over the period 1st August 2014-present.

The panel will consider both the commitment and the initiative of the applicant(s) in supporting the impact of policing research, and the significance of their achieved impact.

All applications will be judged against the following three criteria:

• Evidence of the extent and significance of the impact;

• The researcher(s) playing an active and leading role in making the impact happen; and

• The potential for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to learn and to be inspired regarding knowledge exchange and pathways to impact.

Please identify if and how SIPR has supported this outcome (e.g., funding, knowledge exchange, networking)


SIPR Impact Award

The research underpinning the impact must be of relevance to Scotland, and have been conducted by the nominee (or at least one of the nominees) whilst based at one of the SIPR partner institutions.

SIPR Early Career Researchers Impact Award

This award is available to Early Career Researchers (ECRs – as per UKRI definition) who are currently undertaking their PhD, or who have completed their PhD within 8 years (or 6 years since first academic appointment) but also allowing for career breaks.

The research underpinning the impact must be of relevance to Scotland, and have been conducted by the nominee whilst based at one of the SIPR partner institutions.

This category only allows individual applications, not joint or team applications.


There will be a cash prize of £500 for each award (if the award if given to a team, the first named person will be the key recipient, and will have responsibility for the use/dissemination of the prize).

Prizes will be sent as a grant to the recipient’s institution. There are no limitations on the use of the prize, but we ask that it is related to further dissemination, knowledge exchange, or impact activities (for example, travel to a conference, commissioning a graphic designer to create an infographic etc). 

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