SIPR Postgraduate & Early Career Researchers

Projects | Thematic Networks

Our student coordinators play a vital role in ensuring that SIPR activities are student-led where possible and supporting our mission to nurture the next generation of policing researchers. Our student coordinators work closely with the SIPR leadership Team to shape the future of the student network through engagement with the postgraduate community and the development of key postgraduate activities.

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Current Postgraduate Co-Ordinator

Esme O’Donnell – PhD Candidate, Edinburgh Napier University.

Hello! I am a PhD student at Edinburgh Napier University, having started in October 2022. My doctoral research explores pandemic policing, focusing on how frontline officers and the public percieve the police’s role in implementing the COVID-19 Public Health Regulations across 3 case-study sites in Scotland. I am particularly interested in how local context shapes people’s experiences and perceptions of policing, as well as the implications these dynamics have for police legitimacy.

Previously, I have worked on projects exploring experiences of imprisonment and issues related to gender and sexuality. Moving forward, I am eager to develop projects at the intersection of Policing Studies and Queer Theory, as well as into officer mental health.

As SIPR’s Postgraduate Co-Ordinator, I am passionate about fostering a stronger sense of community among my fellow PGRs, and creating opportunities for skill-building and networking.  

Previous Postgraduate Co-Ordinators

SIPR Funded Postgradute Projects

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