Privacy Policy

Scottish Institute for Policing Research

Your privacy is important to SIPR and Edinburgh Napier University. This statement explains what information we collect when you access our websites, why we collect it and where we disclose it.

What information is collected?

From web pages: The SIPR server does not capture any personal data. However, in common with most web servers, the IP address and the corresponding domain name of the client are automatically logged. The address of the page where the client came from (the referrer) and the software used to access the page (the agent) are also logged.

From web forms: At various parts of the site you may at times be prompted to supply personal details using online forms in order to receive goods or services. For example when requesting details of a Network Meeting or the SIPR Annual Conference you will be asked to supply an address. Each form requesting personal data should explain what will happen to the data you supply. Where possible our online forms operate over encrypted secure transactions so any details you supply to us can be transmitted as safely as possible

Why is this information collected?

Route logging of web server activity is necessary for monitoring the service we aim to provide. As part of the monitoring process, logs are also used for statistical analysis. We expect all online forms which collect personal data to provide an explanation of what will happen to your data.

Where is the information disclosed?

Information collected through routine logging is not disclosed to any third parties. Normally information collected through online formswould not be disclosed to any third parties. However, if the information has to, or may, be disclosed the form should state what will happen to your data and/or seek permission as appropriate.

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