SIPR Early Career Researcher Grant Scheme

Research Activities

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.

Click here for ECR Grants Awarded for 2024/25

The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) is inviting applications for small research grants of up to £3,000 from early career researchers (ECRs) based at SIPR member universities with the aim of initiating new research projects or supporting existing projects. We are particularly keen to support projects that are likely to lead to larger external grants.

The key criterion for funding is that the proposed research will contribute to one or more of SIPRs strategic research priorities:

  • Theme 1: Policing and Health, safety and well-being
  • Theme 2: Technology and digital policing
  • Theme 3: Policing systems, capability and resilience

More information on the strategic priorities can be found here.

Applicant Eligibility

The principal investigator (PI) must be an ECR. This includes those immediately post-doctoral, and those transitioning to independent researcher. While we do not provide a strict definition of ‘ECR’, such as number of years since completing a doctorate, we do ask applicants within the application form to explain why they should be considered early career.


Where the PI is employed on a temporary contract, the duration of the contract must exceed the duration of the project and funding timeline for this application. We regret that PGR students are not eligible to apply for this fund.


Examples of potentially eligible costs are:

  • Small proof of concept projects
  • Buying of datasets and/or support for data collection/analysis
  • Purchasing panel access
  • Transcription support
  • Related research and/or impact-related activities and dissemination
  • Research assistance
  • Time buyout/teaching backfill
  • Travel and subsistence


This list is not exhaustive and SIPR may be open to other activities which may support or add value.


Costs that are ineligible for funding are:

  • Core funding for overheads for institutions. (In principle, SIPR does not make awards on a full economic costing basis)
  • Endowments or shortfalls resulting from a withdrawal of or deficiency in public finance
  • Sites, buildings, or other capital expenditure
  • Student tuition fees or stipends

Application Value & Timeline

The total annual value available for this fund is £9,000 (maximum of £3,000 inclusive of VAT per application).

Application Deadline

Applications will be accepted from Thursday 1st August 2024 and the closing date is Sunday 13th October 2024 at 5pm. We aim to communicate award decisions within one month of the closing date. Please note that funds must be spent, and the project concluded by Sunday 31st August 2025.

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.


All applications will be considered by the Associate Director (RPG/ECR Development) and a small panel of representatives of the SIPR Leadership Team, including the SIPR Director. Each application will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Quality of the project proposal
  • Evidence of institutional support from the applicants’ member university
  • The project’s feasibility and ambition (realistic and manageable)
  • Proposed value for money, and return on investment (including planned outputs, impact and potential to lead to a larger externally funded grant)


Only one application is permitted per academic year from the same applicant for this call. The PI can be included as a co-investigator in one further application providing the two applications are not related. Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding agreement with SIPR. (Funding will be provided in full at the commencement of the project). SIPR should be acknowledged in all dissemination and outputs resulting from the project.

As part of the funding agreement, the PI is expected to provide a summary report to SIPR within one month of the project’s completion. Completion of a short mid-term review may also be required.

If you have any questions regarding the eligibility of your project, please contact Professor Kirsteen Grant, SIPR Associate Director (RPG/ECR Development).

Submissions should be made to

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.

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